Wednesday 12 March 2008

Laser Ball

Sun reflecting from the curvey smooth interior it shimmers like a star in the mid day sunshine. The curviest thing in Paris. It contemplates the task ahead. Worthless, insignificant beings. Watching as these humans scuttle like rats around their daily lives. With no sense of life than to make it home to their normality and never changing little homes. These vile ants mindlessly make it home to watch the afternoons TV.

Soon this land will be purified. The ball of brilliant chrome hovers above in a perfectly spaced line of fellow robots. REAL ORGANISATION! True meaning! we cover the sky, fully cover this worthless little planet we have studied for so long. Soon we shall begin our advance. No part of this useless race shall be left alive. Their archaic technology and inefficant machines make the circuits overheat in anger.

The butchers work begins soon. Or so these little ants say. In perfect formation, the perfect weapons of war the machines of an alien empire await another desctruction of worthless beings. So easy, never a challenge. Most can be overrun with no resistance, losing one of our own is almost comical. We hover, endless hours, never fearing...never sympathetic. We are manufacturd weapons of war. From some distance our emperors minions, fleshy scum, command us.

Built from the most advanced technologhy we can never be defeated. No spirit of the organic beings can ever overrun us. Maybe this time we face a challenge? This planet brings conflict upon itself. Such violence makes our endless lines of chrome look forward to the task to come.
Maybe we face a slight challenge? Maybe we might face a little resistance, a little fun.

Burning in the midday sun, legions of chrome balls are scattered devastated around what remains of the Eiffel Tower. Human forces from across the globe rallied to push back after our initial attacks. Initially all went well, Paris burned like a stars in a dark sky. Their machines of warfare devastated our command centres, firing tubes of steel to annahilate our ships. Currently forces of Western countries are scattered throughout what remains of France and Western Germany. When the British attacked our ships in the outer atmosphere the confusion was colossal, the chrome legions straying, some even firing upon each other.

A stalemate occurs. We wait in disbelief while the varied countries of this globe amass their forces. So Vicious! Never have we encountered an enemy so experienced in the art of war. Their machines we scouted from the safety of our ships turned into demonic nightmares. From floating machines they bombard us with their unknown steel objects. So strange, never before have we faced an enemy that defend themselves properly, most prefering a peaceful extermination.

From the cockpit of the fighter jet the pilots of the British forces descend uopn the plauge in the skies over France. Our targeting systems count for nothing against the huge number of alien drones flying around. Instead we concentrate on the larger ships. Colossal machines of steel that put Paris in shadow. We fire our weapons, experiencing a strangness after finally using our missles and cannons. With music playing and the men and women anjoying the sunshine the alert went out for a full scramble. Another surprise exercise we thought. We never even dreamed of such a sight.

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