Thursday 20 March 2008

Characters of Laser Ball

The characters in the story are not apparent main characters. The laser Ball will be the beginning character if you like. This particular laser ball will not be killed early on, instead it will continue to fight the battle over France until the ending.

The British pilots will be varied and these pilots will not be initially shown full on. Instead their voices in the cockpit will introduce the characters. A cut scene before the scramble will include the pilots and introduce their faces etc and the lip synching that shall be included.

Name : Jack Steel
Sex : Male
Age : 32
Religion : N/A
Height : 6ft 2
Weight : 15 stone
Physical Description : Large, dangerous looking.
Appearance/hygiene : Smart, Military. Outside uniform, expensive/casual.
Intelligence : high
Diet : good. Standard of a British Officer
Cultural background : Brought up in a bad area of Scotland. Well educated and joined the Navy as a pilot.
History : Joined the Navy at 25.
Income : high
Occupation : Naval pilot.
Education : Degree in Photography.
Sexual orientation : Straight
Family : none
Other notes : Came through uni as a social drinker. Worked hard to become a Naval pilot. Lives in a flat in the west of Glasgow. Fast Jet pilot.

Name : Lucia Diaz
Sex : Female
Age : 30
Religion : Christian
Height : 5ft 8
Weight : 10 stone
Physical Description : Attractive, slim. Brunette curls. Large brown eyes.
Appearance/hygiene : Smart/Miltary. Outside of military rock chick/gothic.
Intelligence : high
Diet : good, standard of a British officer.
Cultural background : Brought up in a slum. Latin mother.
History : Joined the navy at 23.
Income : £32,000
Occupation : Naval pilot.
Education : Degree in History and Classical studies
Sexual orientation : straight
Family : none
Other notes : Fun loving. Lives in London .

Name : Xander Smith
Sex : male
Age : 28
Religion : Christain
Height : 5ft 10
Weight : 13 stone
Physical Description : Small, well built.
Appearance/hygiene : Smart, military
Intelligence : high
Diet : good, standard of a British officer
Cultural background : Brought up in a well off farm in southern England.
History : Potential olympic shooter
Income : high
Occupation : Naval pilot.
Education : Degree in Agriculture
Sexual orientation : straight
Family : wife and two kids. Twin girl/boy ages 2
Other notes : Easy going.

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